Sapone da barba e depilazione
Prepara la tua pelle con il sapone da barba vegano. Questo sapone ecologico crea una schiuma densa per una rasatura più facile e una pelle liscia e idratata.

What is a shaving soap?
A shaving soap prepares the skin before shaving by softening and lifting the hair for a smoother shave.
This shaving soap bar contains naturally sourced and nontoxic ingredients. Not only is it a more ecological and economical alternative to shaving cream and shaving foam but it also provides a generous moisturizing lather that prevents irritations and razor burns.
What are the benefits of the Bambaw shaving soap?
• It provides generous shaving foam preventing skin irritations and razor burns
The main purpose of using a shaving soap is to prepare your skin for the shave. Applying the thick shaving foam softens and lifts the hair. This generous lather offers extra glide and lubrication to protect your skin from irritations and burns.
• For an ultra-smooth and moisturized skin
Our carefully formulated shaving soaps with natural ingredients hydrate, nourish and calm your skin for a feeling of smooth and moisturized skin. The Bambaw shaving soaps provide you with an optimal shaving experience.
• Easy-to-use alternatives to shaving cream
The shaving soap bars are a good alternative to shaving creams. A shaving soap is environmentally-friendly but also a good economical alternative to a classic shaving gel or foam since it will last longer.
Our shaving soap is also really easy to use. It fits easily in the hand for an easy grip and a smooth application directly on the skin. It is easy to store and perfectly suited to use with a shaving brush.
• Perfect as travel shaving foam
A shaving soap takes less space than a shaving cream or shaving bomb. It is allowed in carry-ons on the plane with no danger of spilling.
• A shaving soap for men and women
A shaving soap is unisex. It is a perfect alternative to shaving cream for women and for men. It can be used for any part of your body, whether you want to shave your beard, your legs, your armpits, your bikini area or even your head.
• 3 variations adapted to all types of skin
The Bambaw shaving soap comes in 3 variations adapted to all types of skins, whether you specifically want to hydrate, calm or nourish your skin while shaving.
They provide fresh and pleasing fragrances for a wonderful olfactive experience. A fragrance-free option is also available for more sensitive skin types
What's in the box?
- 1x Shaving soap
The large Bambaw shaving range meets everyone's needs
Bambaw offers a range of shaving products beyond the shaving soap. Discover a more authentic and traditional shaving experience with one of the many safety razor options, which come in bamboo and metal. Razor stands allow you to neatly store your metal razor after each use. You can also purchase your razor blade refills separately. To complete your shaving experience, the shaving brush will lather up the shaving soap and fully prepare your skin.
Traditional personal hygiene products are a threat to the environment
Many shaving creams, gel or foam bombs contain harmful chemical ingredients and artificial fragrances. Aerosols used for classic shaving creams and disposable razors are also very wasteful.
Our palm-oil-free shaving soaps contain naturally sourced ingredients, are vegan and cruelty-free. Our soap bars are safer for human health and for the environment.
The Bambaw shaving soap is environmental friendly. While the main ingredient of liquid formulas is often water, our shaving soap bars are not diluted and therefore more concentrated. As a result, a lot less water is used in our production process.
We also need and use a lot less packaging. The soap bars are made of recyclable cardboard and contain zero plastic. They are then lighter and take less space which reduces carbon emissions in transportation.
Returning to a more traditional shave to take care of you and the planet
As self-care practices attract more and more people, traditional shaving is coming back as the best way to achieve a smooth shave without creating tons of waste!
The shaving soap is a good step on your way to a zero-waste bathroom. Indeed, it creates a generous foam that allows for the smoothest shave. Using a shaving soap bar is a perfect alternative to a shaving gel or foam that comes in aluminium cans or plastic packaging and are harmful to the environment.
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SAPONE DA BARBA E DEPILAZIONE - SENZA PROFUMOQuesto sapone da barba senza profumo ha proprietà calmanti. È particolarmente indicato per le pelli più delicate. È ideale per chi è particolarmente sensibile ai profumi e soffre di irritazioni o allergie, o semplicemente per chi preferisce un sapone inodore. Argilla bianca biologicaL'argilla bianca, nota anche come caolino o argilla bianca francese, è un minerale ricco di silice molto utilizzato per le sue numerose proprietà benefiche. È nota per essere estremamente morbida e riparatrice. Viene utilizzata per detergere e purificare la pelle delicata. Per questo motivo, l'argilla bianca è particolarmente indicata per i tipi di pelle sensibili che soffrono di secchezza o disidratazione. Aloe veraI benefici dell'aloe vera sono numerosi: le sue proprietà lenitive, idratanti e rigeneranti migliorano la qualità di tutti i tipi di pelle, soprattutto di quelle secche e sensibili. L'aloe vera è un alleato nella routine di rasatura perché aiuta a lenire irritazioni, bruciature da rasoio e prurito. |
SAPONE DA BARBA E DEPILAZIONE - LAMPONEQuesto sapone per depilazione nutre, deterge ed esfolia la pelle evitando irritazioni e peli incarniti. Grazie alle sue straordinarie proprietà protettive ed equilibranti, lascia la pelle liscia e profumata, con una delicata nota di lampone. Argilla rossa biologicaL’argilla rossa, chiamata anche terracotta, è una delle tipologie di argilla più conosciute poiché presenta una moltitudine di benefici per la pelle. Le sue proprietà purificanti la rendono perfetta per le pelli miste e grasse, oltre che per migliorare la circolazione. Particolarmente indicata per le pelli sensibili, l’argilla rossa deterge con delicatezza e favorisce la rigenerazione cellulare. Burro di karité biologicoI benefici del burro di karité per la pelle e i peli sono noti e documentati da tempo. Il burro di karité è apprezzato per il suo intenso potere nutriente sulla pelle e per la sua efficacia nel prevenire la disidratazione. È un ingrediente davvero ottimo da introdurre nella routine di rasatura, in quanto allevia le tensioni cutanee e protegge, ammorbidisce e ristruttura la pelle danneggiata. I fitosteroli contenuti nel burro di karité agiscono per lenire, riparare e rigenerare la pelle. Inoltre, le sue qualità antiossidanti hanno un effetto positivo sul processo di invecchiamento della pelle. |
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SAPONE DA BARBA E DEPILAZIONE - ALBICOCCAIl sapone da barba con olio di albicocca e vitamina E è adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle. Le sue proprietà idratanti prevengono irritazioni e bruciature di rasoio, oltre a nutrire e ammorbidire la pelle. Olio di nocciolo di albicoccaL'olio di nocciolo di albicocca viene estratto dal nocciolo dell'albicocca, un elemento ricco di benefici. È noto infatti per tonificare e ammorbidire la pelle e per essere un ottimo emolliente. Vitamina ELa vitamina E previene la secchezza della pelle e la riduzione dei segni di infiammazione grazie alle sue proprietà antinfiammatorie. |
How to use a shaving soap?
1. Wet the shaving soap bar with warm water.
2. Wet the area that you want to shave with warm water.
3. If you have a shaving brush, rub the brush on the soap bar in a circular motion until it forms a lather. If you don’t have a shaving brush, rub the shaving soap directly onto your skin in a circular motion until it forms a gentle foam.
4. If the foam is not thick enough, you can repeat the process. Make a few tests on your first use to find which technique gives you the optimal foam.
5. Grab your safety razor and enjoy the perfect shaving experience.
Why does it help prevent skin irritations and razor burns?
The palm-oil-free Bambaw shaving soaps have been carefully formulated to offer a safe and easy shaving experience. The clean ingredients composition leaves your skin completely prepared and moisturized for a smoother shave. The generous foam offers extra glide and lubrication to protect your skin and prevent irritations and razor burns.
Can you use soap to shave your bikini area or your bold head?
Yes, you can use the Bambaw shaving soap on all parts of your body.
Do I need a brush with shaving soap?
You can apply the shaving soap directly onto your skin. A shaving brush will help to have a thicker foam and to gently apply the lather on all the body parts that you want to shave.
Should you wet your shaving brush before use?
It is not necessary to wet your shaving brush before use. You can simply wet the shaving soap with warm water, wet the area that you want to shave with warm water (not too hot to avoid skin burns) and then rub the shaving brush on the soap bar in a circular motion until it forms a lather.
How to make the soap lather more?
If you’d like a thicker foam, keep rubbing the shaving brush on the shaving soap or the soap bar directly onto your skin in a circular motion. Make a few tests on your first use to find which technique gives you the optimal foam.
How to store it?
It is not necessary to rinse out your soap after the use. Just let it dry and store it in a soap holder or in a dedicated bowl for shaving soap but any bowl or plate can do the work. Make sure to store it in a dry place, like on the sink or next to your shower or bathtub.
What is the difference between shaving soap and regular soap?
The Bambaw shaving soap bars have a special composition with naturally sourced ingredients selected for their beneficial properties for skin. A regular soap will clean your skin but will not always have the ability to soften and lift the hair before the shave. A regular soap might also not have the right properties to moisturize and nourish your skin in order to prevent irritation, rash and razor burns. Our shaving soaps are specially made for these purposes.
Is shaving soap better than shaving cream or shaving gel?
Classic shaving creams and shaving foams are very wasteful and often contain chemical ingredients that can be harmful for your health. Our shaving soap is a good shaving cream alternative because it uses less water and packaging, is palm-oil-free, vegan and contains naturally sourced ingredients specially chosen for their benefits on skin and hair.
Where is the Bambaw shaving soap made?
The Bambaw shaving soap is made in Belgium.
How much does the shaving soap weigh?
Our shaving soap weighs 80 grams.